Under federal and states laws, discrimination in the workplace is prohibited. Discrimination can be seen in actions both verbal and physical regarding an individual “protected class.” When an individual is being targeted for being part of one of these classes they have a right to stand up for their rights.
"Protected classes” an individual might be part of include:
How do I know if I am being discriminated against?
Unfair Work Assignment
Many times, when employees are being discriminated against when they are assigned duties that might be out of their job duties or that relate to their “protected class”. An example of this would be of an employer who does not give an employee with disabilities the duties his work requires. Another example is if women are denied certain duties for being women.
Another way discrimination can play a role is in promotions. Employers might deny the opportunity of applying or getting the promotion as a result of an individual’s “protected class”. An example of this would be an employee being denied the opportunity of a promotion due to his age.
Discrimination can also be shown through harassment, whether that is verbal or physical. Remarks that target an individual due to their protected class like race would be considered discriminations.
Often times an employer might terminate an individual and give them an explanation that does not apply. The individual knows they are being terminated because of their “protected class”. This can be seen when an employer terminates a person because of their age, race, or gender.
If you believe that you are part of one of the listed “protected classes” and are being discriminated at work, you may have a legitimate claim against your employer. Contact the attorneys of Lepera + Associates, PC. They can help you bring a claim against the party and help you stand up for your rights under the Fair Employment and Housing Act.